New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyers
If you have received a ticket, it is very important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. The most common tickets issued in New Jersey include speeding tickets, careless driving, driving while license suspended, driving without insurance, and running red lights or stop signs. If you are pulled over and given a ticket, there are a variety of different types of penalties that you could receive. Driving without insurance is considered very serious and results in a mandatory suspension of your license for 1 year. Driving while suspended could subject you to fines of $1,000 or more and 10 days in jail for a 3rd or subsequent offense. Harsh penalties such as these could be avoided with the help of a skilled New Jersey traffic attorney.

In New Jersey, most moving violations (running a red light, speeding, etc.) will not subject you to very high fines; in most cases the fines range from $50-$200 per violation. But moving violations in a construction zone or 65 mile-per-hour zone could result in double penalties. In any case, most people should be more concerned about accumulating points on their license when charged with a moving violation. And if you are found guilty or plead guilty to any moving violation, then the Motor Vehicle Commission will impose points on your license, and you may lose your license and/or receive high surcharges if you accumulate too many points (insurance rates are also usually much higher for people with significant numbers of points on their license). Points are not given by the judge or the prosecutor, so they cannot negotiate with you regarding the number of points that you will receive. Again, a skilled New Jersey municipal court attorney could help you avoid points on your license by raising a proper defense to the charges. Click here for a summary of points for New Jersey Traffic Violations
Municipal Court Traffic Ticket Defense Approach (Why Us?)
If you receive a ticket and must appear in Municipal Court, you will need a lawyer to protect your rights. Even if the charge is a relatively minor one, we advise our clients to still consider the case serious because a conviction or guilty plea could result in high fines, points, jail time, and suspension of your license, which would seriously affect your ability to earn a living. Our firm will fight vigorously for you and help you achieve the best results for your case. We are skilled at analyzing the evidence that the state intends to use against you and we fight to exploit any holes in the prosecutor’s case. We also spend a considerable amount of time in negotiating with the prosecutor so that our client’s get the best plea offers possible. Once a plea offer is made, we counsel our clients about whether it makes sense to accept a plea offer or take their case to trial, where the prosecutor would have to prove all of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.
Traffic Ticket Lawyer Free Consultation
If you receive any kind of ticket, please call us right away for a 100% FREE CONSULTATION, on the phone or in our office. We will review the court documents with you and advise you on what we can do to help you. Remember, the prosecutor’s job is to convict people who are charged with traffic violations and other types of violations that are heard in Municipal Court. The prosecutor will not simply listen to your side of the story and drop the case against you. It is important to be represented by a skilled Municipal Court/traffic ticket defense attorney.
Please contact us today!
Raff & Raff, LLP
Attorneys at Law
30 Church Street
Paterson, NJ 07505
Tel: (973) 742-1917
Fax: (973) 742-2454